Designed for those who wish to feel more grounded, to soothe the mind, body and soul, and to change belief patterns, making way for quantum recovery and personal evolution.
- provides solutions for those who feel stressed out, anxious or depressed
- provides alternative coping mechanisms, and methods to improve sleep
- improves self-care, self-soothing and self-centering practices
Note: each Step has at least two videos of the same name. The VIDEO TUTORIAL features the details found in the PRIMER, and the other is a LIVE VIDEO WORKSHOP, which features the online workshop illustrating the points from the VIDEO TUTORIAL with my own life experiences and the experiences of my students. They are meant to work together so please watch both to fully benefit from this course. The VIDEO TUTORIALS are done in narrated slide show format.
Quantum Health Transformation V.3.0 Advanced Training for Healers and Alternative Health Practitioners Step 8 Red: Grounding & Core Belief Systems Video Tutorial.
Quantum Health Transformation V.3.0 Advanced Training for Healers and Alternative Health Practitioners Step 8 Red: Grounding & Core Belief Systems Video Live Workshop.