Forbidden Knowledge News – Chris Mathieu
Forbidden Knowledge News is here to provide many experiences and resources to help you to see an alternative perspective of world events and phenomena. Amazing interviews and presentations from the most brilliant authors, researchers, doctors, scientists, experiencers, contactees, abductees, whistleblowers and much more. Thank you for LIKING, COMMENTING & SUBSCRIBING and please share on your Facebook and or social media – thanks.
YouTube Channel | Website | Email:

Hyper Anomalous Esoteric Research Organization – Ryan Patrick Burns – Hyper Anomalous Esoteric Research Organization podcast delves into esoteric, paranormal, and occult topics that should interest everyone. Thank you for LIKING, COMMENTING & SUBSCRIBING and please share on your Facebook and or social media – thanks.
YouTube Channel | Website | Patreon
Happiness Medical – Ryan Patrick Burns
We offer a product my wife invented called Spyce Natural Bronze. A lotion that is the first 100% organic of it’s type with technologically infused organic Coconut oil, Aloe, and other all organic ingredients. We also offer vitamins and supplements through a friend at the bottom of the page.

Space Wolf Research LLC – Ryan Patrick Burns
Space Wolf Research LLC is a private real estate company experimenting with various research methods to detect and anticipate anomalies. It shares a fence line with the now famous ‘Old Bigelow Ranch’ in the Uintah Basin of Utah.

BeMeism – Trevor iLesley
Trevor is a Teacher, Messenger, Energy Healer and Philosopher. Learn more about B*Me Philosophy to help you to find, feel, and be the true self, as you awaken your inner calling. Trevor will inspire you to value yourself and your journey, to undertake the achievement of your desired goal to love who you are, here in this realm by guiding you to become whole once again, so that you may understand that you are important, and that your life has real meaning and purpose on a soul level.
YouTube | Wands | Email:
“I contacted Trevor to help me a few years ago, as I found myself deep within the Dark Night of the Soul. He was very helpful and I highly recommend him.” Karen Holton – Editor 2022