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Awakening Through Extraterrestrial Contact – Karen Holton (Truth Theory Podcast 31) – March 20, 2024

Karen Holton is an E.T. and Angelic experiencer, exopolitical ambassador, wholistic coach, and transdimensional channel. Her professional experience includes Shamanic guidance, awakening and ascension counseling, as well as public discourses. As part of the Forbidden Knowledge News Network, Karen hosts the Quantum Guides Show – This weekly podcast is ideally suited to the newly awakened, and for those who are awake, but may be socially isolated by their alternative beliefs.

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The Round Table Show #10 @sosqht333 & @KarenHoltonTV& me review episode 1127 of @typicalskeptic – March 18, 2024

Check out episode # 10 of The Round Table Show Where I am Joined by #canadianspinja Karen Holton and Mysty Rah Crystal as we review episode 1127 of the Typical Skeptic Podcast with Robert Kalil Come join us for a fascinating discussion about Astral Projection, Remote Viewing, Lucid Dreaming, and much more!

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The Round Table Show Guest Panelist Karen Holton We review Episode 1019 of Typical Skeptic podcast – January 28, 2024

The Round Table Show Episode #3 we review Episode 1019 of Typical Skeptic podcast staring Robert Kalil featuring RA Castaldo With a AMAZING guest panelist Karen Holton , Jayme Jacobson and myself . this weeks Music feature by Tommy Edwards Not to forget my Awesome new Intro Track with The band Carbon Dallas from Ontario Canada . If you haven’t watched # 1019 of Typical Skeptic Podcast it is a MUST WATCH!

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Unlock Mind’s Matrix: The Power Of Lucid Dreaming Revealed! – January 19, 2024

The Paranormal Highway – Unlock Mind’s Matrix: The Power Of Lucid Dreaming Revealed! with Karen Holton & Dr Wu – Are you ready to unlock the hidden potential of your mind? Join me in this eye-opening video as we delve into the fascinating world of lucid dreaming. Discover the incredible power that lies within your dreams and how you can harness it to enhance your creativity, overcome fears, and even improve your problem-solving skills. Get ready to embark on a journey like no other as we reveal the secrets of lucid dreaming and show you how to awaken the untapped potential of your mind’s matrix. Don’t miss out on this life-changing opportunity – hit that play button now!