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Psychic Babes presents Karen Holton – May 20, 2020

Learn how Karen Holton developed her relationships with E.T.s, angels and other spiritual guides, and came to receive life changing downloads to share with Humankind. “Thank you Kirsten Sandefur for having me as guest on the Psychic Babes Show!” ~ Karen Holton Kirsten Sandefur The Psychic Babes Podcasts Book a reading today! –

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The Big Space Ships: Orientation

The Intergalactic Settlement Program with Karen Holton: experiencer.

What is it like on the Big Ships? Find out the intergalactic culture aboard the large space ships as I introduce you to the orientation process. Where do we go to the bathroom? What will we eat? How will we communicate? Find out more about the orientation process, and the Intergalactic Resettlement Program.

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I Had SEX With an Alien! (actually more than one)

The Intergalactic Settlement Program with Karen Holton: experiencer.

Yes Off-worlders are very sex positive. Find out the intergalactic culture aboard the large space ships. How do Aliens view sex, love and reproduction? Here is your chance to learn more about aliens, sex, and the Intergalactic Resettlement Program.