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Aliens & Angels Live Podcast, October 20th 2024 – ARE THESE CLIPS THE REAL DEAL?

Whether or not these might be real, help me to decide, please do leave me a comment. Do you think these are all BS? Do you think they are man-made? Do you think they are hoaxes? Do you think these are the “real deal”? What do you think they are?

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Aliens & Angels Live Podcast, October 13th, 2024 – Special Guests Preston Dennett & Dolly Safran

I was supposed to bring on two very special guests: Preston Dennett & Dolly Safran. Unfortunately due to unforeseen circumstances, they could not make it to the show so I presented information about them, their latest book called Symmetry and talked a bit about my upcoming book which is based on my own E.T. experiences. Please join me for the show.

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Aliens & Angels Live Podcast October 6th, 2024 – Special Guests Philip & Ronald Kinsella

I am pleased to bring on two special guests – Philip & Ronald Kinsella! Philip Kinsella is the author of numerous books and articles on UFOs and consciousness. Since Philip’s own alien abduction back in the winter of 1989, he has been driven to find the truth of what may be behind these alien intrusions. Ronald Kinsella is an author and artist. He is currently working on a Science Fiction novella, aimed at adults and based on an ugly future. Thank you for leaving me a comment, like my videos, and do share my content with your friends!

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Aliens & Angels Live Podcast, September 29th, 2024 – Nancy Thames

Meet Nancy Thames – a former Department of Defense employee and a lifelong E.T. contactee who has emerged as a significant voice in the realm of alien disclosure and spiritual awakening. She stresses that experiences often labeled as “abductions” are enlightened contacts, part of a broader, benevolent interaction with extraterrestrial entities aiming to usher humanity into a new era of cosmic participation. The E.T. mission is driven by a philosophy of unity, spiritual evolution, and the pursuit of truth, extending an invitation to all of humanity to acknowledge and embrace our place within the larger galactic framework. All of the links are featured below in the description. Check me out, subscribe to my channels, leave me a comment, like my videos, and share my content with your friends!

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Aliens & Angels Live Podcast, September 22nd, 2024 – PRESTON DENNETT

Today I am very excited to bring back one of my favourite guests – Preston Dennett! He is a field investigator for the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), a ghost hunter, a paranormal researcher, and the author of over 30 books and more than 100 articles on UFOs and the paranormal. All of the links are featured below in the description. Check me out, subscribe to my channels, leave me a comment, like my videos, and share my content with your friends!

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Aliens & Angels Live Podcast, September 15th, 2024 – E.T. OR FUTURE US?

Welcome back to our weekly live Q&A Community Chat, and today I am pleased to bring you another interesting subject for discussion – E.T. or Future Us? Within our community there has been much speculation as to whether E.T. is a different race than Humans, or as many of us have wondered, are E.T. actually us from the future who have returned to issue warnings about our future timeline? What does the evidence suggest? What do you think? Become part of the conversation by joining us in the live chat as we go live on Sunday. All of the links are featured below in the description. Check me out, subscribe to my channels, leave me a comment, like my videos, and share my content with your friends!

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Aliens & Angels Live Podcast, September 8th, 2024 – E.T. & HUMANS: CREATION OR EVOLUTION?

Welcome back to our weekly live Q&A Community Chat, and today I am pleased to bring you another interesting subject for discussion – How did E.T. and we get here? What is our origins story? Were we all created, or did we evolve from lower species? Some E.T.s could be millions of years more advanced than Humans, and their level of scientific technology could make almost anything possible. Have they tampered with the genetics of other races of Humanoids like E.T. and us? What does the evidence suggest? What do you think? Check me out, subscribe to my channels, leave me a comment, like my videos, and share my content with your friends!

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Aliens & Angels Live Podcast, September 1st, 2024 – ONLINE MEET & GREET

Welcome back to our weekly live Q&A Community Chat, and today I am pleased to bring you our first online Meet & Greet. This is your chance to share the stage with me and meet other people who share your enthusiasm for all things E.T.! Or if you rather, joined our lively discussion and became part of the conversation through our live chat. You are welcome to join our Facebook Group called Aliens & Angels. All of the links are featured below in the description. Check me out, subscribe to my channels, leave me a comment, like my videos, and share my content with your friends!

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Aliens & Angels Live Podcast, August 25th, 2024 – ALL ABOUT ALIEN IMPLANTS

Welcome back to our weekly live Q&A Community Chat, and today I am pleased to bring you another interesting topic for discussion – ALL ABOUT ALIEN IMPLANTS. In my presentation today I cover the various kinds of Alien Implants and their purposes: etheric, energetic, holographic, genetic, biologic & synthetic; and they can include AI, nanotechnology, bio-engineering and crystalline formations. They are produced by interdimensional beings, E.T.s, and humans. Some Alien Implants are beneficial, but most are not, as they infringe on our spiritual, mental, emotional and physical health. Find out what you can do about them. Join our lively discussion and become part of the conversation. You are welcome to join our Facebook Group called Aliens & Angels. All of the links are featured below in the description. Check me out, subscribe to my channels, leave me a comment, like my videos, and share my content with your friends!

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Aliens & Angels Live Podcast, August 18th, 2024 – E .T. & ASTRAL CONTACT with Don Rogers

Welcome back to our weekly live Q&A Community Chat, and today I am pleased to bring you another interesting topic for discussion – E.T. & ASTRAL CONTACT and my special guest Don Rogers from March 4th Productions. Have you ever considered that E.T. astral contact is possible even when using CE5 protocols? According to my own experiences and those of other E.T. contactees, we can contact E.T. interdimensionally, and this is also known as astral projection and transdimensional travel! Join our lively discussion and become part of the conversation. You are welcome to join our Facebook Group called Aliens & Angels. All of the links are featured below in the description. Check me out, subscribe to my channels, leave me a comment, like my videos, and share my content with your friends!