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Quantum Guides Show E155 Chris Mathieu, Brandon Thomas, Frank Castle & Ryan Burns – PART 2: SHADOW WORK

Join us as we discuss ways to work with the personal and collective Shadow!  Chris Mathieu (Forbidden Knowledge Network), Ryan Patrick Burns (HERO paranormal), Brandon Thomas (Expanding Reality) and Frank Castle (Frank Castle FearLess) join me in this thought-provoking discussion about a crucial subject rarely talked about in spiritual, social & political circles.  Thank you for liking and subscribing to our channels, and please do share this with your friends!

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Quantum Guides Show E150 Frank Castle, Brandon Thomas & Ryan Burns – Part 1: THE SHADOW EXPOSED!

Join us as we identify and expose the personal and collective Shadow! Ryan Patrick Burns (HERO paranormal), Brandon Thomas (Expanding Reality) and Frank Castle (Frank Castle FearLess) join me in this thought provoking discussion about a crucial subject rarely talked about in spiritual, social & political circles. Thank you for liking and subscribing to our channels, and please do share this with your friends!

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Quantum Guides Show E147 Panel – 2023 REVIEW & 2024 PREDICTIONS!

I am very pleased to bring you my 2023, year end panel of talk show hosts and experiencers to review the year. Together we take a look at what was the most crazy-making things in 2023, what we learned, what we predict for the upcoming year, and messages of support for you, my audience. Join Chris Mathieu of the Forbidden Knowledge Network, Brandon Thomas of the Expanding Reality Podcast, and experiencer Elsa Dillon of as we discuss the year in review and make some predictions for 2024. Thanks for liking, commenting, subscribing, and sharing this podcast with your friends!

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Quantum Guides Show E142 Brandon Thomas & Frank Castle – THE NATURE OF REALITY

Join Frank Castle, Brandon Thomas, and I as we delve deep into The Nature of Reality! Frank Castle is a writer, producer, emcee, host of “Frank Castle FearLess”, and a founding member of the music group “HeistClick” as well as a Neo Shaman. Brandon Thomas hosts stimulating conversations with his popular podcast called Expanding Reality and is the Founder/Reality Expander of Ridiginal Publishing: committed to “Empowering and Amplifying the Voices and Visions of Ridiculously Original Authors and Creators. Together we stretch the boundaries of our perceptual universe. Thanks for liking, commenting, subscribing, and sharing this podcast with your friends!

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Quantum Guides Show E138 Brandon Thomas – DEEP DIVE INTO EXPANDING REALITY

In episode 138, my special first-time guest is Brandon Thomas – host of the popular podcast called Expanding Reality: “The expansion of consciousness cleverly disguised as a podcast.” Brandon is also the Founder/Reality Expander of Ridiginal Publishing – committed to “Empowering and Amplifying the Voices and Visions of Ridiculously Original Authors and Creators”. Join us as we take a deep dive into the expanding reality of the Dark Night of the Soul. Thank you for liking, commenting, subscribing, and sharing this podcast with your friends!