Awakening Support

  • You have discovered that the world is not what you thought it was
  • Recent global events have awakened you and you feel unsettled
  • You feel isolated with your new found beliefs as they are not popular
  • You want a more wholistic world view
  • You want support from someone who has experienced awakening for themselves and learned to thrive in this new state of awareness

It is a big shock to wake up and find that the old familiar world is gone, and the old “normal” is not coming back.  It can be disturbing to go down the various rabbit holes, only to find that the information is difficult to digest, and few people are willing to talk openly about it.  You are not a conspiracy theorist!  You are awakening, and once you find your way through it, there are many blessings on the other side.  I am here for you.

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Showing all 6 results